A walk inside Study Culture and Policies of St. Xavier's World School that differentiates it from other schools

St. Xavier’s World School

The mind is not a vessel to be filled , but a fire to be kindled.Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.

St. Xavier’s World School endeavours in the sphere of quality education with a commitment to excellence. It is English medium co- educational school running clesses from kindergarten to grade 8th . The campus here promises a conducive learning environment with eco-friendly ambience .


                            “School is not only an epitome of 
                                          learning , but a temple of
                                            holistic development .”    
       St. Xavier’s World School is working under the aegis of Nageen group of schools founded by Mr. Vishal Jain ,a renowned educationalist and socialist. Keeping in view the vision of the school he has designed a profound infrastructure

To foster comprehensive physical ,mental,emotional,cognitive ,social and sensorial development of children leading to enhance capabilities and self confidence , so that it forms the bedrock for the children to become global citizens.

Magnificent infrastructure and efficient staff resulted into a good strength and leading into 12 schools at Ghaziabad, Meerut,Sardhana,Meerapur,Bhatinda ,Hastinapur etc .


Education is not  preparation for life,education is life itself .
                                                                                              John Dewey

Students are provided with opportunities for learning music ,fine arts and participating in sports ,public speaking ,drama,martil arts etc., while ensuring that the focus on academic excellence remains undiminished .
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
                                                                                                                Sydney J. Harris


Our pre-School


Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness ; but direct them to it by what muses their minds,so that you may be able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.

Keeping in mind the above thought classrooms for blooming buds are adequately designed and equipped . Our curriculum t the Pre –Primary level is designed to suit their physical , mental and emotional needs .To see that every child gets individual attention nd they are taught according to their pace ,the ratio of students and teachers is 15:1 . Toddlers are taught rhymes with the help of audio visual aids .

                                 Sports  spirit of our children

Creating positive learning environment – Freedom to learn and grow , Through discipline – Finds correct expression .

                        Outside Classroom learning

Outside classroom learning helps the students to explore , learn and develop communication skills,leadership qualities and life skills such as problem solving , realistic goal setting , self confidence , decision making ,independent thoughts etc.

                                 Shaping Child’s Destiny

Students engage in research projects to develop critical thinking,problem solving and imaginative power .

Learning at St. Xavier’s world school is not just bookish , our students get practical learning as well as our different subject labs give them the opportunities to explore realms of subject beyond theory .

                             Knowledge to world culture

St. Xavier’s world school ,Ghaziabad , conducted “student exchange programme ” in which 21 German Students participated .The programme began with tilak ceremony and garlanding the visiting students .

We at school organizes many such as programmes to make our students to introduce them to world culture .

     Facebook :        https://www.facebook.com/xaviersgzb/
     Website :           http://ghaziabad.stxaviersworldschool.com/
     Blog :                https://stxaviersworldschoolgzb.blogspot.in/
     Google Plus :    https://plus.google.com/117377343019662964403
     Pinterest :          https://in.pinterest.com/marketingstxaviers/
